3-to-1 buffered adder/mixer normaled to the 1-to-3 buffered multiple
meant for note CVs but works for audio too.
We use 0.05% resistors in the buffer network to ensure 1:1 gain for precision pitch CV applications.

A different configuration based on the same hardware is now available too. A three channel transpose module with one common transpose CV input. This configuration is called the Aroom configuration (after the person who requested it) and marked by filling the circle black on the top of the panel. Advanced users can change their WK1 to be either in standard or Aroom config by bridging solder jumpers.

  • 2HP
  • 0.05% Resistors in all buffers to minimize gain error
  • all inputs and outputs buffered to avoid problems with impedance mismatches on VCOs
  • low profile for flat skiffs

Aroom Config presented by Aroom: